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Almond Cardamom Iced Tea Latte

One of the healthiest trends for 2019 is the mocktail movement! From Baby Boomers to Millennials, there's a new movement to socialize without alcohol - for better health and happiness. Yay for DASHers! Get ready to dial up your mocktail game. Celebrate YOU with better-for-you beverages like this one and others I've created in the SIP section. I drink water because I have to, but I LOVE sipping on something fun and flavorful to complement my meal or when entertaining! Living a DASH life suggests removing alcohol completely from your diet to achieve and maintain healthy blood pressure. I can attest, IT WORKS! This iced black tea latte is packed with creamy, warm nutty flavor that I know you'll enjoy. The version here uses skim milk, and makes the perfect beverage for your holiday meal or toast. It's so simple -- just brew, batch chill and serve at your holiday gathering! Cheers!

Ingredients (makes a 2 quart pitcher or 8 servings):

6-8 black tea bags

4 cups of skim milk

1 Tablespoon pure almond extract

1 teaspoon ground cardamom

4 tablespoons of honey

Ice (4 cups)

Preparing this recipe:

In a saucepan bring milk to a boil then turn OFF the heat, add tea bags, cover and let the tea brew/steep for 5 minutes. Remove tea bags then add cardamom, stir in honey and almond extract. Let this combined mixture sit and cool while covered for 15 minutes. Pour mixture into a 2 quart pitcher and fill to the top with ice, stir to combine as the mixture melts and dilutes over the ice. Chill in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Stir once more to combine, pour over ice into your favorite party glass and finish with a decorative stir stick! (See the DO section for fun DIY entertaining projects!)


Nutritional facts: (Pitcher makes 8 servings)

Cal: 75, Total Fat: 0g, Sat Fat: 0g, Sodium: 68mg, Carbs: 15g, Sugars: 14g, Fiber: 0g, Cholesterol: 3g, Protein: 5g, Potassium: 210mg.


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