My personal journey to attain and maintain a healthy/normal BMI and blood pressure without medication requires both the Lower Sodium DASH diet (<1500mg per day) and walking 10,000 steps every day. My beloved FitBit HR tracks my every step and celebrates my 10,000 steps with a fireworks show on my wrist! It also monitors my resting and active heart rates, sleep and reminds me to take a moment to stretch / breathe / meditate during the day. I love it so much that it only leaves my wrist for bathing! I'm a morning person, so I start my day with a quiet morning walk in the nature and beauty of the Hollywood Reservoir in my neighborhood. The 3.1 mile flat loop has stunning views with tall pines, deer, turtles and ducks to enjoy as I get a healthy start on the daily 10,000 steps goal. Check out this stunning view!
